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Collaborative BIM software enabling reviews and decisions to take place in VR



Create a project, add models, invite project members then meet them in VR to review projects.
Upload files manually, or connect Vrex with professional tools including Navisworks, Bim360, Bimsync, BIM Track, StreamBIM, Aconex or buildagil.

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Innoactive Portal integrates with Vrex allowing colleagues or customers to access BIM designs in VR or via their desktop wherever they are. There is full multi user functionality support.

Access collaborative BIM projects though Innoactive Portal

Vrex integrates with Innoactive Portal to provide a seamless expereince. Stakeholders can access wherever they are to review projects, comment and make decisions and address issues before they become too costly

No VR headset, stream Vrex to the browser

Attendees can join reviews whether on Vr headsets or straight through their browser. With the interactive spectator functionality, Innoactive Portal enables full screen and easily navigable access.

*photos courtesy of Vrex

Learn how to use Innoactive Portal with Vrex

We want to you benefit from interoperable technologies. Get a free tech consulting session to better understand how to roll-out XR with Innoactive Portal and the best technologies on the market.

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